Mount Athos Mother of God
Mother of God, even if the rules of iconography insist that the holy image depicted (the saints) should be with black hair and black eyes, however, from tradition and from visions, we are informed from the saints which saw the Mother of God that her hair texture resembles that of ripe wheat with blue eyes.
She resembles mostly with the icon of Jerusalemitisa or according to other accounts, of Paramythia.
She is very tall, has long fingers and at times She appears usually dressed as a nun. She radiates formidable respect, however one could easily get closer to her through prayer while humbly seeking Her intervention, guidance and protection.
We saw this at the marriage at Cana where the servants approached Her to ask for assistance, and not to the bridegroom, hence She was the person with the most authority there, because Her Son was unknown at that time.
She, together with Her Son, were atoned with an other worldly beauty. That is why when Jesus was mocked and beaten in Sanhedrin, they threw upon Him a cloak. This was done in order to hide His godly countenance because nobody which saw Him directly in the face could feel malice for Him!
Based on Gospel of Saint John the Theologian, Saint Nikodemus the Athonite, Saint Paisios of Mount Athos
In the following photos you will see candid shots at the Tomb of the Mother of God – Jerusalem.